Concurrently with

Concurrently with

President Petr Pavel visited the International Industrial Fair

October 10, 2024  /  8:45 AM

Petr Pavel, President of the Czech Republic, set aside at least a few hours in his busy schedule to visit the MSV. His trip to Brno before visiting the exhibition centre included a meeting at the headquarters of the National Cyber and Information Security Agency, where he learned about the current challenges in the area of cyber security. This is, of course, a hot topic for the International Industrial Fair, which this year deals with similar topics.

His expo tour started in Hall A dedicated to 3D printers and related technologies, followed by stands presenting universities, where he could try, for example, to put on virtual reality goggles.
One of the President's greatest hobbies are motorbikes. These are on display at the Czech Technical University’s stand. In the university part, he had the opportunity to get on a flat track racing special Eso 500, manufactured in Divišov, which normally is not available for visitors to try out.

The second stopover on the way through the exhibition centre was at the Digital Factory 2.0 exhibition stand, where the President was introduced to the concept of cooperation between communication, production, development and finance companies brought together in this section. He viewed a robotic tap, but also met a robotic dog that is being developed for rescue work.

The modern Hall P welcomed the President to the Czech National Exposition, where he learned about a number of projects through which the Ministry of Industry and Trade and other state institutions support the engineering industry. He also got a glimpse into the classroom of the teaching centre of the Association of Engineering Technology, which supports education in engineering fields.

In the Technology Exposition he then saw a racing buggy with FRT Suspension that was featured on the Dakar Rally.

The last exhibition visited was the FabLab University truck. The trailer, which after being parked converts into a workshop full of modern production machines, offering primary and secondary school students practical education in digital production technologies.
At the end of his visit, the President toured the Archimedes Outdoor Learning Centre, which is part of a worldwide network of outdoor classrooms. The classroom on the exhibition grounds showcases the latest technological features that contribute to smart and sustainable life.

A short press conference was also held at the same location, where the President summarised his experience of his visit to Brno and the expo and gave space for questions from journalists. The President praised the work presented by the participating companies at the expo and said, “Our economy is not doing as badly as some are trying to make us believe. I would like to see the spirit of innovation that prevails here at the expo reflected by the state administration. We should be able to remove obstacles with the same flexibility,” the Czech President stated. "If we create good conditions for companies and remove obstacles, especially those bureaucratic, we will be able to withstand comparison with the best in the world,” said Petr Pavel. “I visited the 3D printing exhibition and saw what can be produced with this technology. I also saw the expositions of the Czech Technical University and the Brno University of Technology, and I must say that the works presented by the universities are admirable. Our companies and universities are fully comparable with the world," said the President.