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We'll provide you

Application for trade fairs organised by Messe Düsseldorf.

Stand construction according to your wishes.

Tickets and catalogues at bargain prices.

Accommodation near Messe Düsseldorf according to your requirements.

Support for participation in trade fairs abroad

Are you planning to attend a trade fair organized by Messe Düsseldorf? Take advantage of the currently listed participation support:

Stand constructions


Radoslav Klepáč

Messe Düsseldorf Head of Representatives

+420 541 152 802
+420 724 232 343

Yvona Vaňková

Messe Düsseldorf Representative

+420 725 573 105

Order Accommodation

We need accommodation for:

Vyberte prosím veletrh
Vyberte prosím ubytovací zařízení

Specific requirements


Please fill in your name
Please fill in your last name
Vyplňte prosím email
Please fill in the phone
You must agree to the terms and conditions