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65th International Industrial Fair in Brno will present innovations that are changing the industry

October 4, 2024  /  9:21 AM

The 65th anniversary edition of the International Industrial Fair will showcase innovations that are shifting industrial production into a new age in one place. The most important Central European event focusing on technological innovations will take place at the Brno Exhibition Centre from 8 to 11 October 2024. Over the course of four days, the latest trends and advanced solutions that are setting the course for future developments in industry will be on display.

"The International Industrial Fair is a key event where Czech entrepreneurs can establish important contacts with international companies and present their achievements. As part of our traditional Czech National Exposition, this year we have prepared a number of seminars and expert lectures on the topics of 5G networks, development of hydrogen technologies, recruiting workers from abroad, or the possibilities of state support in the field of energy savings," says Minister of Industry and Trade Jozef Síkela, adding that visitors to the exposition can also look forward to a demonstration of space technologies or a technical education truck with an interactive programme.

"MSV is not only the most important event of its kind in the Czech Republic, but also one of the key platforms for industrial innovation in the whole of Europe. This year's 65th edition is not only a reminder of the rich history that the expo has created during its existence, but above all a demonstration of the direction in which modern industry is heading," said Jan Kubata, CEO of BVV Trade Fairs Brno.

This year, visitors will see presentations by 1,386 companies from 42 countries around the world presenting their latest technologies and innovations from all areas of industry. "The high interest of companies confirms the importance of the fair as an important platform for establishing business relations, sharing professional experience and strengthening its position on the international market. We are pleased that the fair is once again attended by the world's leading companies in their respective fields, which underlines its role in the development of the entire industry," said Michalis Busios, Director of the International Industrial Fair.

Expo as a global platform

The International Industrial Fair once again this year attracted significant attention from foreign companies, which account for one half of all exhibitors. The strong international participation proves that the fair is a key platform for international trade, knowledge exchange and establishing strategic partnerships in the industry. China, France, India, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, the Province of Taiwan or Ukraine will open official stands sponsored by a government or pro-export institution. After three years, Japan's official participation under the cy banner of  JETRO agency is returning in an expanded form with 18 companies presenting. There is also continued interest in cooperation from US companies, as shown by confirmed business delegations from the states of Louisiana, Georgia and the American-Czech Business Council. The Contact Ukraine project, aimed at connecting Czech companies with Ukrainian counterparts, will also continue.

Czech National Exposition – business support from development to export

A traditional part of the expo will be the Czech National Exposition, which will bring together 13 state institutions under the leadership of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic. It will offer people not only new contacts, information and technology demonstrations, but also the opportunity for expert consultations for business development. There will also be an interesting programme where visitors will learn more about future trends in business support, 5G networks in industry and smart cities, energy savings in enterprises or hydrogen technologies. On Thursday, 10 October, the Meeting Point CzechTrade will be held, consisting in individual appointments for business development consultations with directors of CzechTrade foreign offices.

"The aim of this exposition is to promote Czech industry and engineering innovations, and at the same time to support Czech companies in their expansion into foreign markets. On this occasion, we have launched a new website for Czech companies at, which provides detailed information about the exposition," said David Müller, Senior Director for the EU and Foreign Trade Section, adding that the ministry will stream seminars from the exposition live on its YouTube channel.

New Economic Strategy of the Czech Republic 2024

In addition to hydrogen technologies, digitalisation of manufacturing or circular economy, one of the main topics of the Czech National Exposition will be the new Economic Strategy of the Czech Republic 2040 – a vision for the Czech Republic with high added value, which aims to rank among the top ten countries with the highest GDP per capita in the European Union by 2040. "High added value is the key to prosperity. Innovative products allow companies to increase their competitiveness, profits and better reward their employees. Our Economic Strategy is therefore designed to help promote higher value-added industries, which is the path to long-term growth and strengthening of the Czech economy", says Minister of Industry and Trade Jozef Síkela.

The Strategy presents a vision for the long-term development and modernisation of the Czech economy. It focuses on four key areas: developing human capital, strategic infrastructure, supporting higher value-added industries and securing financing  for  strategic investments. As part of the Czech National Exposition, the Ministry of Industry and Trade will hold a seminar on the strategy on 9 October 2024 at 2:45pm (Hall P, Stand 09).

Assembly of the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic to take place on the opening day

The Assembly of the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic will not be missing at the International Industrial Fair in Brno this year. The largest meeting of business and the public sphere in the country will connect hundreds of entrepreneurs and company representatives with the Prime Minister, ministers and other leading representatives of state authorities. "At the Assembly, we will discuss together with the government the most important topics that address Czech business, be it the revision of the Green Deal, energy policy, the economic strategy of the Czech Republic or the role of modern technologies and their impact on the labour market," says Petr Jonák, member of the Board of Directors of the Confederation of Industry. The event will take place on 8 October in the Rotunda of Hall A.

Gateway to the future of industry

Digitalisation and automation are becoming decisive success factors for modern industrial enterprises, while increasing emphasis is also being placed on sustainability and energy efficiency. That's why one of the main attractions of the expo will be the fifth edition of Digital Factory 2.0, with more than 40 companies taking part. The Golden Partner of the project is the National Centre for Industry 4.0, which together with RICAIP Testbed Praha and KUKA, Siemens, Česká spořitelna, Smart Informatics, T-Mobile, Deprag, DEL and the EIT Manufacturing European innovation community will present solutions for efficient, sustainable and innovative industrial production on an area of more than three hundred square metres. Visitors will thus be able to consult not only innovations and technologies, but also their financing, including subsidy opportunities, in one place. The popular Digital Stage will also be the centre of attention with a rich programme of lectures, discussions and presentations focusing on innovative technologies. The topic of the use of artificial intelligence in industry will also receive a prominent place.

Innovation in practice

The main exhibition area will be enriched by a varied extra programme consisting of expert conferences and seminars. A new feature will be the programme at the Technology Exposition, which will use specific practical examples to show how productive technologies can be deployed in engineering companies. The topic of cyber security will also be represented at the expo. CyberSecurityHub, in cooperation with the Brno Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry Cluster 4.0, has prepared an interactive exposition with examples that demonstrate the dangers of cyber attacks and the importance of securing modern technologies in industry and healthcare. Visitors can also join the Contact-Contract platform, which combines the benefits of trade fair participation and matchmaking to arrange meetings with precise timing in advance. Visitors will also see the packaging line in action thanks to the Kaletech Packaging Live project. Brand new companies have joined the line's traditional partners and brands that were part of the line several years ago will also make an appearance. MSV will also include a Gold Medal competition for the best exhibits.

3D technology will be the highlighted theme

This year's MSV will also feature the 10th anniversary edition of the Additive Manufacturing Forum, which will showcase the most advanced methods of professional 3D printing of metals, plastics and composites, available to companies of all sizes, as well as individuals. Speakers will include leading experts – manufacturers, suppliers and users of professional 3D printers. The conference will take place on Wednesday 9 October 2024 in the Rotunda of the Brno Exhibition Centre. An expanded exhibition of professional 3D printers, 3D scanners and related services, 3DEXPO PRO, will be held for the first time in the adjacent Hall A1.

The first run of the MSV Industrial Design Award

Design Centrum CzechTrade, the national platform of state support for design and the guarantor for the design sector, announces the first edition of the Industrial Design Award of the International Industrial Fair in Brno. The jury, composed of experts in the field of industrial design, will evaluate the exhibits of Czech MSV exhibitors directly at the expo. They will judge the functionality of the exhibits, their aesthetics, ergonomics, sustainability and ecological impact, originality, safety and economic efficiency. Awarded companies will receive a certificate and the right to use the Industrial Design Award winner's name in their own communication and marketing materials.

Six technology fairs in one

Together with the 65th MSV, five more specialised trade fairs will be held, which always return to the Brno Exhibition Centre in even-numbered years. IMT will be a showcase of machine tools and forming machines, FOND-EX will focus on foundry, WELDING on welding technology, PROFINTECH will present technologies for surface treatment and PLASTEX is a trade show for plastics, rubber and composites. According to the number of registered exhibitors, the largest fields of this year's edition will include those that fall under IMT, PLASTEX and WELDING, along with electronics, automation, measuring technology, transport and logistics, materials and components for engineering.

Practical information

The International Industrial Fair and the concurrently running events start at the Brno Exhibition Centre on Tuesday 8 October 2024, and will run until Friday 11 October 2024. Opening times are daily from 9am to 5pm (4pm on the last day). The best-priced tickets can be purchased online at People can download the Eventee app, which will offer enhanced networking opportunities in addition to an overview of exhibitors and sideline events. With regard to the traffic situation in the vicinity of the exhibition grounds, the organisers have prepared a web application, where visitors can observe the capacity of individual parking areas in real time.

Contact for journalists
Michal Svoboda
Head of Marketing and Communication
BVV Trade Fairs Brno
Mobile: +420 601 252 327