ATOK and ČOKA expert seminar

August 2, 2024  /  3:00 PM

In cooperation with the expert sponsors ATOK and ČOKA, an expert seminar entitled "WHERE IS TEXTILE AND FOOTWEAR PRODUCTION GOING IN EUROPE?" will be held.

The seminar is meant especially for clothing and footwear retailers to get latest information on sustainability and corporate social responsibility, and on new trends in the management of used textiles and footwear. You can look forward to these lectures: Opportunities and risks of the EPR from the perspective of the textile and clothing industry, New EU directives and regulations related to textiles and footwear, Sustainable development in the context of textile manufacturing, and Chemical recycling options in the area of textiles and footwear. The seminar is meant especially for clothing and footwear retailers to get latest information on sustainability and corporate social responsibility, and on new trends in the management of used textiles and footwear, especially in view of the fact that from 1 January 2025, separate collection of used textiles and footwear will be mandatory throughout the EU.


SATURDAY 24 AUGUST 2024, 13:00 - 14:30 o’clock
HALL P – Floor 1 – Room P1

Seminar programme:

"Opportunities and risks of the EPR from the perspective of the textile and clothing industry"Mgr. Jiří Česal, ATOK Prague
"New EU directives and regulations related to textiles and footwear"PhDr. Vlasta Mayerová, ČOKA Zlín
"Sustainable development in the context of textile manufacturing"Ing. Pavel Hendrichovský, MBA, and ARETEX a Diakonie Broumov
" Chemical recycling options in the area of textiles and footwear"Ing. Radek Pjatkan, Association of Chemical Industry of the Czech Republic