Every woman is an original for Henriquez Studio

August 8, 2024  /  11:11 AM

Studio Henriquez is a fashion styling studio of Sylva Henriquez who, after years of working in the Spanish fashion world, advises, consults and transmits southern style and energy. For her work she carefully selects from collections of renowned Spanish and Portuguese companies, which she also complements with her own original creations, to be presented during the gala evening on 23 August.


Principem studia je individuální práce se zákaznicí, vyžadující vzájemnou důvěru, diskrétnost a perfektní znalost módního oboru a trhu, i umění psychologie. Vzniká tak vždy pro každou ženu na míru její originální, sofistikovaný, elegantní a vždy nadčasový a zásadně

The principle of the studio is individual work with each customer, requiring mutual trust, discretion and perfect knowledge of the fashion industry and the market, as well as the art of psychology. This way, each woman's original, sophisticated, elegant and always timeless and fundamentally feminine style is always created, with the woman herself as a great inspiration.

Studio Henriquez also officially represents the Portuguese CRISTINA BARROS brand in the Czech and Slovak Republics.