STYL and KABO 2024: A great move not only for the First Lady
August 25, 2024 / 5:00 PM
STYL and KABO fashion fairs boast a history of more than 30 years, over which they have become a hub for fashion trends and a meeting point for professionals, retailers and celebrities. This year they had the honour of welcoming the First Lady of the Czech Republic, Mrs. Eva Pavlová, who visited the exhibition centre with her ladies' entourage. She visited the stands of Czech and Slovak companies and was a praised guest of the gala evening, which she enjoyed together with the Mayor of Brno Markéta Vaňková, and actress Chantal Poullain.
More than 160 Czech and foreign companies occupied Hall P with the latest collections in the clothing, textile, footwear and fashion accessories segment. Traditional brands were not missing among the exhibitors, but brand new companies and studios were also presented. During the three days, the trade fairs were visited by more than 3,000 merchants and professionals, including fashion stylists, journalists, influencers and other prominent personalities from the fashion industry.
Daily shows with new premieres
HELENA BEDRNOVÁ, CRISTINA BARROS, UOMO & DONNA, ATELIÉR DONÁT, IVAMODA STRAKONICE, AJA MODA, VEBA + ATELIÉR HANA CELNAROVÁ, MONAX-LUKAČOVA ART, VEBA-AFRICKÝ BROKÁT, and H & D presented their collections on beautiful models during the daily shows. The new Czech brand INVERS together with the brand SEBASTIAN STURM was also presented for the first time. Another novelty was a special show of haute couture fashion by Lucy Tammam from the UK named TAMMAM COLLECTION.
FASHION PUPPIES – inspirational, fresh, wild and futuristic
These were the shows of graduation works by young designers from six art schools in the Fashion Puppies block every day. The Strážnice Secondary School paid homage to famous Vivien Westwood, with models betting on quality craftsmanship while playing with some light-headedness. The models of students of SUPŠ Jihlava-Helenín were unmissable on the catwalk, the connecting link running among all of them being the techniques of felting, weaving and batik. A fashion performance called Interim presented a collection of precisely created models by students of the 2nd year of the VOŠON Prague. It is a collection that connects the past, present and future. The students were inspired by music, traditions, historical elements and combined the often incompatible. SŠUD Brno and their students' models were distinctive and, above all, different, with a glimpse of future. Black and white, that was the concept of SŠDAM Prostějov, students of second to fourth years of Modelling and Clothing Design prepared some genuinely interesting models made of geotextiles.
Gala evening in the style "Brno, the City of Fashion"
Friday's gala evening in the style ‘Brno, the City of Fashion‘ in Hall P was launched by Jan Kubata, CEO of BVV Trade Fairs Brno: "Styl and Kabo is not just work for me, it is a wonderful opportunity for me to meet all of you here in Brno at a trade show that has a deep tradition in fashion, and to discuss with you in which direction the fashion world in this country, but also in Europe and the world will be heading." He also thanked the cooperating associations ČOKA and ATOK, all exhibitors, business partners and last-but-not-least the team involved in the preparation of the fair.
The guests of the evening were also greeted by the Mayor of Brno Markéta Vaňková: "I would like to remind you that Brno was called Moravian Manchester, especially in the 19th century it experienced a huge boom and almost all the fabrics all over the world, speaking maybe with light exaggeration, originated from Brno."
The evening programme was hosted by popular actor Marek Němec, and the catwalk saw original collections by creative designers taking turns. They were presented both by young students with the Fashion Puppies show and by the exhibitors themselves. The second block featured renowned designers such as Petr Kalouda, the Poner siblings with their spectacular CIRCUS PONER show, Sam Dolce (Koncept D) or Henriques studio. There was also the perennial star Iveta Řádková, who at the final Face of the City show incorporated the Brno City inscription directly into the fabric pattern.
Miss Czech Republic Karolína Surý, Natálie Kočendová, Justýna Zedníková and Denisa Spergerová shone bright on the catwalk, along additional models including Iveta Lutovská, Tereza Fajksová, Sandra Pospíšilová, Hana Abrahamová, and actress Eva Decastelo.
The evening included the announcement of the Jan Pivečka Foundation Award for young shoe designers in the Funny Shoe, Young Spirit and Professional View categories. The prizes were presented to the seven awarded students by the President's wife Mrs. Eva Pavlová. What message would she convey to the young designers? "Don't be afraid to show the world what you have inside. You have great ideas, which were clearly visible at Kabo. I am proud of you."
Eva Pavlová enjoyed the evening together with Mayor Markéta Vaňková and actress Chantal Poullain, and they continued discussing common topics at the garden afterparty. The mood was pleasant, informal and friendly, thanks to the charismatic actress Chantal Poullain, who is said to be given a good mood by people, and not only in the theatre: "When I talk to someone, I grin. Laughter is very important, and also sleep, which is the cure for everything."
Sustainability as a topic resonates at the fair and at the Castle
The future of fashion in relation to sustainability was reflected throughout the extra programme. The Friday lecture titled "CIRCULAR ECONOMY AS THE FUTURE OF FASHION" enjoyed a very positive feedback. Mikuláš Hurta, founder of NIL Textile, a fashion revolutionary and one of the main personalities of sustainable fashion in Europe, shared the latest news on sustainability, recycling and the latest technological trends. According to Hurta, circular fashion is the only possible future for textiles.
Throughout the three days there was a lecture "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF TEXTILE PRODUCTION", where Tomáš Tykva from TXB CZ, in cooperation with DIAKONIE BROUMOV, spoke about the options of using textile waste in the production of multi-purpose construction and design boards.
Saturday's seminar "WHERE IS TEXTILE AND FOOTWEAR PRODUCTION GOING IN EUROPE?" directed by ČOKA Zlín, ATOK Prague and BVV Trade Fairs Brno. a.s., provided traders with latest information on sustainability and corporate social responsibility in the management of used textiles and footwear.
Olga Chybová also had an interesting topic in her lecture "STEPS TO REDUCE MICROPLASTICS RELEASE FROM TEXTILE". One of the important sources of microplastics is the wearing and washing of synthetic fibre textiles.
On a similar theme, Friday's lecture called "LAUNDRIES AND DRYCLEANERS: RESULTS OF AN INVISIBLE SECTOR YOU SEE EVERY DAY", focused on laundry cleaning in the 21st century.
Sustainability is also a topic of long-standing interest to the First Lady, and one that she also talked about with the trade fair organisers. In fact, one of her foundation's projects focuses on the clothing bank. It is a collaboration within the framework of the "We Are in This Together" campaign, which the Eva Pavlová Foundation is sponsoring and supporting, and which also involves food and furniture banks. "The essence of the campaign is to show people that there is no shame in asking for help. The clothing bank in particular is collecting quality clothes for the whole family that can still find another use," the President's wife explains the project.
Saturday evening in the sign of Czech Fashion Week
On Saturday, another fashion event was held separately in Hall F – the prestigious Czech Fashion Week with a marathon of shows ending with an after-party. On the catwalk, designers Jitka Klett, Helena Bedrnová, Anna Tejklová and designer of evening dresses Luděk Hanák presented their models, the men's collection was presented by the company Cleofe Finati and the whole show ended with a collection of luxurious extravagant Fashion Island swimwear.
Thanks go to our partners
The fashion fairs did not forget about the comfortable facilities for visitors and exhibitors. The offer of good refreshments, quality wine, elegant floral decorations, a relaxation zone and an inspiring demonstration of new Škoda cars with the possibility of test drives added to the atmosphere of the fair. We would like to thank our partners, which are JE&NE, CARMEN FLORA, TommyKofi, Kněží hora Winery, Campani Gelato di Clara.
Eva Pavlová, First Lady of the Czech Republic
I really liked it here. I am pleased with how much quality fashion is being created in our country. I was especially inspired by the work of the students, which I would like to support in the future, so I take away ideas for other projects that could help them develop their art and creativity.
Markéta Vaňková, Mayor of Brno
I really liked the models by young designers, who are still students. There were many things that I could imagine wearing. I must admit that I liked the end of the evening show the most, where there was a Brno-based theme in Iveta Řádková's collection. With some light alterations, I would love to have something like that in my wardrobe.
Chantal Poullain, actress and president of the Archa Chantal Foundation
I'm not a person who follows fashion and wears things because they’re fashionable at the moment. I have to love the piece. It has to grab me by the heart. And I liked a lot of things here. Especially a French company from Marseilles with colourful silks and a company from Prague that had beautiful scarves.
Antonín Žírovnický, Vice President of ČOKA
I am very happy that we have such skilled students, and I am glad that this craft is not going to perish. The platform of the Styl a Kabo fair is ideal not only for announcing the results of the Jan Pivečka Foundation competition, but also as an inspiration for all young people.
Jiří Česal, Executive Director of the Association of Textile and Leather Industries
We are very positive about the visit by the First Lady, who has thus given our industry public support. Mrs Pavlová's attitude was very nice and we appreciated that she also attended the evening programme.
Božena Filáková, Director of the Jan Pivečka Foundation
It is a great honour for us to be able to show the results of the competition right here at the Styl a Kabo fair, because the winners of this competition may become exhibitors in a few years.
Jakub PONER, fashion designer
We really liked the show. It was definitely an advantage that we know most of the models and collaborating with them was great. In addition, the event was very well organized and overall, it was an enjoyable evening.
Iveta Řádková, fashion designer
I was very pleasantly surprised by the feedback from people on the "Face of the City" because the whole collection was created for Styl a Kabo and their main theme "Brno, the City of Fashion". I started working on it half a year ago and this time I conceived it a bit the other way round. First, we took photos, transferred them to fabrics, and then made models from them.
Sam Dolce, designer
I really appreciate the opportunity to present my author collection Koncept D on such a prestigious platform as Styl and Kabo. The whole team did an extraordinary job, which was reflected in the smooth running of the show and also a great acclaim from the audience. The Styl and Kabo gala evening was an extraordinary experience. The whole evening was filled with elegance and fresh creativity, even from young creative souls, which created a pleasant and inspiring atmosphere. I had the opportunity to meet many important personalities from the fashion and design industry, which contributed to a valuable exchange of views and experiences.
Klára Klempířová, fashion stylist
I am thrilled. I was intrigued by the great variety of colours and patterns, with mostly monochrome garments in the collections and matching patterned pieces for the more daring ones. I like that there is something for everyone to pick.
Bára Mottlová, actress, presenter and model
It's my first time at the Styl and Kabo fairs. I was extremely interested and looking forward to it. I hope that next year I will be able to get involved a bit more, this year time didn't quite allow me.
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