URBIS The Smart Cities Meetup Programme

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The main pillars of the event

Conference programme

Discussion on current topics in the field of Smart Cities with emphasis on practical examples – the main topics will be energy and climate, mobility, efficient public administration.

An exhibition, and technology demonstrations

Companies offering smart solutions for the public sector. The Brno Exhibition Centre also provides the opportunity for live technology demonstrations. URBIS will also be linked to the Living Lab and Archimedes projects.


A space for sharing successful case studies and best practices. Opportunity to network with experienced partners from the Czech Republic and abroad.

Institutional cooperation

URBIS The Smart Cities Meetup is set up in cooperation with the main state institutions involved in the development of smart solutions in the Czech Republic.

URBIS will focus on collaboration across sectors and levels

The topic of Smart Cities is becoming an increasingly important part of the development of Czech cities, municipalities and regions. The growing challenges we face together today require the search for innovative solutions and practices that are key to ensuring sustainable development, prosperity and the quality of our daily lives. International examples clearly show that the successful development of Smart Cities and the implementation of innovations in practice only happens with strong cooperation between the across sectors and levels. However, such cooperation does not emerge on its own, but evolves from regular meetings, sharing of experiences and mutual learning. This is why URBIS The Smart Cities Meetup is being prepared this year in collaboration with four ministries and about ten other institutions. All relevant activities and information will thus be concentrated in one place at one time. 



