Magic Carpet Artists

February 19, 2025  /  11:14 AM

Formation of the Magic Carpet Artists was the brainchild of Internationally renowned textile artist and teacher, Gillian Travis. As Pandemic lockdowns became more restrictive and face-to-face contact with other creatives became impossible, Gillian reached out to a number of like-minded textile artists in Australia, Germany, Israel and the United Kingdom.


Gillian Travis - Moroccan Pots. / Christine Seager- Connections / Stephanie Crawford - Evolve

The group consists of

  • Gillian Travis (UK)
  • Christine Seager (UK)
  • Stephanie Crawford (UK)
  • Isabelle Wiessler (Germany)
  • Brenda Wood (Australia)
  • Alison Charlton (Australia)
  • Shoshi Rimer (Israel)

Through regular Zoom meetings, the group was able to meet and enjoy the company of fellow textile artists.


Isabelle Wiessler - Trees on Fire / Brenda Wood - Flights of Fancy / Alison Charlton Adaption and evolution

They set art challenges, commenced a social media presence and planned for the future when exhibitions and quilt shows were again the norm. Evolve is the first non-virtual exhibition by the Magic Carpet artists.

The theme of our work has been individually interpreted by each artist, but also describes the formation of the group out of adverse times.

Where once we met as fellow creatives, we now meet as friends.

Shoshi Rimer - Evolve Street Gas Lamp